David Ferrara

get to know me

Telling stories.

I'm the Quick Response Reporter in The Post and Courier's Greenville newsroom, covering public safety, politics and breaking news. I also work on data projects with colleagues across the state and enterprise stories of my own.

Born and raised in Connecticut, I moved down South in 2019 for a fresh start. In May 2023, I received my bachelor's degree from Clemson as an economics and philosophy double-major.

I was editor-in-chief of Clemson University's campus newspaper, The Tiger, for two years. My work there led me to be named the Collegiate Journalist of the Year by the South Carolina Press Association.

Making a difference.

While I was editor-in-chief of The Tiger, I rebuilt the organization from the ground up by implementing a new training program, operations model and start-to-finish workflow that will be used for years to come. Under my leadership, the newspaper was awarded the best college newspaper in South Carolina for the first time in eight years.

Similarly, in just months at The Post and Courier, I have already stepped beyond my job description. I've developed a public records templating and tracking tool used by reporters across the state, launched an elections results interactive viewer for this year's statewide primary, among other projects.

Selected Clips

July 10, 2024

SC man accused of impersonating a lawyer in multiple courts. That's not the only fiction we found.

Call it like the TV show Suits but without the corporate grandeur. And replace NYC with Upstate SC. A local man was charged with impersonating a lawyer after taking on real cases, with real defendants. After several interviews and digs through records, I broke the story nobody else had.

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May 6, 2024

After 2 killings in Greenville County, free GPS ankle monitors come with a price

After a double-killing, there were glaring questions I had from the get-go — foremost being how the alleged killer got past a GPS boundary on his functioning ankle monitor without deputies being called to check in. And then it happened again. The consequences of a break in the chain of communication is illustrated through my reporting.

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March 14, 2024

Seeing William Timmons' face a lot? It's with taxpayer dollars. Here's why.

As South Carolina's 4th Congressional District race heated up, questions arose about where funding came for incumbent U.S. Rep. William Timmons' billboards and mailers. I broke down a little-known but often-used rule in the context of the race and South Carolina.

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Nov. 2, 2023

18 former death row inmates have been resentenced since 2011. Here’s why.

South Carolina officials are pushing to resume executions after over a decade. During that time, 18 inmates won their relief. While navigating through court records and public officials to learn more about what led to each inmates' resentencing, I found trends in their cases.

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Selected Awards

Valuable and Engaging Content

Quarterly Awards, April 2024
The Post and Courier

Journalist of the Year

Collegiate Contest, 2023
South Carolina Press Association

First Place, General Excellence

Collegiate Contest, 2023, The Tiger
South Carolina Press Association

First Place, Website

Collegiate Contest, 2023
South Carolina Press Association

First Place, Use of Social Media

Collegiate Contest, 2023
South Carolina Press Association

First Place, Specialty Page Design

Collegiate Contest, 2022
South Carolina Press Association